Monday, November 30, 2020

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Write your name and information on Padlet

Write your information on Padlet homework:
1- Name 
2- Topic
3- Group number
4- Academic number

Thank you!
Have a nice day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

the opening of your presentation


Dear Learners!

 I hope you're all well and safe. 

 How to prepare for the opening of your presentation?

   The presentation has three parts, 

1- the opening 

2- the content,  or the body of the presentation, 

3- the closing or the conclusion.

   Focus on the first part of your presentation. You have to practice this very well until it becomes easy and smooth. It takes maybe half an hour of practice.   When you introduce yourself, make sure you're introducing yourself not too long and not too short.  

1-  What is your name?

2-  How old are you?

3-  Where do you study?

4- What are you studying? 

5- The semester and the year - the course name

6- What is the title of your presentation?

7- Why did you choose this topic?

  You have to  practice and practice and repeat until it becomes easy for you to remember.  it's important that you practice your opening and make sure it's not too short. Write it down in your study cards.

We don't want a very short opening, because this is a project. We want you to invest more time in preparing this presentation so that when you do other presentations later on , in other subjects, this will help you improve your presentational skills, whether in Arabic or in English. Practice makes perfect. Practice make you feel confident.  Do not forget to smile. 

  I wish you all the best of luck .Stay safe. Stay strong.

blog contents  

Monday, November 2, 2020

How to write content for your presentation?

 محتوى البرزنتيشن:


- أسأل نفسك خمسة اسئلة مرتبطة بموضوعك. الاجابات عليها هي المحتوي

- مثلا لو اخترت موضوعك محمد نور لاعب الكرة 
ممكن تسأل:

1- كم بطولة حقق مع نادي الاتحاد؟
2- كم هدف سجل؟
3- متى اعتزل اللعب؟
4 اي الاندية التى لعب فها؟
5- المركز اللى كان يلعب فيه؟

مثال اخر:

لو ان موضوعك مدينة ابها:
ممكن تسأل:

1- اين تقع مدينة ابها؟
2- كم تبعد عن مدينة جدة؟
3- ما هي اشهر الاطعمة ؟
4- كيف المناخ في ابها؟
5- ما بعض اشهرالمعالم ؟

Give me a presentation written as a paragraph with 10 interesting sentences about ..................... in simple English and translate it to Arabic.