Monday, October 28, 2024

مراجعة الاختبار الدوري الثاني

 طريفة الاسئلة:

Unit 3 and 4

1- What is this called?صورة واختيارات

2- True or False: the opposite of big is small. صح ام خطاء الكلمة وعكسها

3- What part of speech is the underlined word. اجزاء الكلام

جملة وتحت الكلمة خط وتختار

a- noun

b- verb

c- pronoun

d- adjective

4- What part of a sentence is the underlined word. اجزاء الجملة

a- subject فاعل

b- verb فعل

5- Choose the correct form of the verb:

I - I .................. football yesterday.

a. play

b. played

c. playing

6- Choose the correct preposition 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Electrical system vocabulary

Electricity - كهرباء
Electrician - كهربائي

1. Circuit - دائرة 
2. Voltage - جهد 
3. Current - تيار 
4. Transformer محول  
5. Fuse - فتيل 
6. Conductor موصل 
7. Switch  مفتاح 
8. Breaker  - قاطع 
9. Meter  - عداد 
10. Load  - حمل 
11- Battery بطاريه
12-controller ضابط 
13- lamp لمبه
14- negative سلبي
15- positive ايجابي
16 measure يقيس
17- terminal طرفي
18- cables كبيلات
19- electrical current تيار كهربائي


Tuesday, October 22, 2024



I can drive a car.

I can not drive a truck.

I can  swim.

I can speak English.

I can fix computers

I can format my computer.

I can read  in English. 

Can you drive?

Can you speak English?

Can you fix computers?

Can you swim?

Saturday, October 19, 2024



What's - where - what - I'm - is - are - I'm


A: Hi, I'm  Ali.

B: Hello, my name is Sami.

A: Nice to meet you.



A: Hello, Where are you from?

B: I'm from Taif. What is your name, please?

A: I'm Adel. Pleased to meet you.


A: Good to meet you, Ali. Are you are from Mekkah?

B: No, I'm from Baha. What's your name?

A; I'm Khalid. 



1- English numbers

2- Big numbers

3- How to read all numbers in English?


2- What is the date?

Days of the week:

Saturday -السبت

Sunday - الاحد 

Monday- الاثنين

Tuesday - الثلاثاء

Wednesday- الاربعاء

Thursday - الخميس

Friday - الجمعة

Months of the year:

1- January  - Jan.

2- February - Feb.

3- March - Mar.

4- April -Apr.

5- May 

6- June

7- July

8- August - Aug.

9-  September - Sep.

10- October - Oct.

11- November - Nov.

12- December - Dec.

3- ordinal numbers:

1st  - first

2nd  - second

3rd - third

4th - fourth

5th - fifth

6th - sixth

7th - seventh

8th - eighth

9th - ninth

10th -tenth 

11th - eleventh

12th - twelfth

13th - thirteenth 

20th - twentieth 

30th thirtieth 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Present Simple - المضارع البسيط


1- I play football everyday

2- I pray five times everyday.

3- I go to Makkah every week.

4- I write emails every month.

5- I travel to Abha every year.

7- I wake up early  every Friday.

8- I dive the car all day.

9- I do my job everyday. 

10- I eat apples all the time. 

12- I drink water all day.

(He - She - It) - add s or -es 

1- He plays football everyday.

2- He prays five times everyday.

3- Ali goes to Makkah every week.

4- He writes emails every month.

5- Sami travels to Abha every year.

7- Ali wakes up early  every Friday.

8- He dives the car all day.

9- He does the job everyday. 

10- He eats apples all the time. 

12- He drinks water all day.

قاعدة المضارع البسيط

 (Present Simple) في اللغة الإنجليزية:

شروط الاستخدام

1. لوصف الأفعال العادية والروتينية.

2. لوصف الحقائق والواقع.

3. لوصف الأفعال التي تحدث بانتظام.

4. لوصف الأفعال التي لا تتغير.

تركيب الجملة

1. Subject (الفاعل) + Verb (الفعل) في صيغة المضارع البسيط.

2. الفعل يتبع قواعد التغيير حسب Subject.


1. I eat breakfast every morning. 

(أكل الفطور كل صباح)

2. She speaks Arabic fluently. 

(هي تتكلم العربية بطلاقة)

3. They live in Cairo.

 (ه يعيشون في القاهرة)

4. We study English every day.

(ندرس الإنجليزية كل يوم)

قواعد الفعل

1. الفعل في المضارع البسيط يتبع قواعد التغيير حسب Subject:

- I/You/We/They: الفعل في صيغته الأساسية.

- He/She/It: الفعل مع إضافة s أو es.

أمثلة إضافية

1. I work as a teacher.

 (أعمل كمعلم)

2. They watch TV every evening. (يشاهدون التلفزيون كل مساء)

3. She loves  books.

 (هي تحب الكتب)

Friday, October 11, 2024

actions - unit 4 movement


instructions - تعليمات


1- Manual : دليل التشعيل - يدوي

2- Automatic is opposite of manual.

3- imperative - فعل الامر

Examples: imperative - فعل الامر واعطاء التعليمات

1- Open your book.

2- Close the door.

3- Turn on the computer

4- Clean The room.

5- take your book.

Directions الاتجاهات

 move - movements

تحرك - التحركات

1- forwards - للامام

2- backwards - للخلف

3- up - اعلى

4- down اسفل

5- sideways - للجنب

6- rotate - يدور

7- Vertical line - عامودي

8- Diagonal line - بزاوية

9- Horizontal line - افقي

10- straight up - رأسي للاعلى

المتدرب محمد الحسن الغامدي - الموضوع : النار - الواجب الثاني - تقديم عرض لمادة technical English 1


Tips for Preparing your course presentation

Dear students,

Keep it simple:
Choose a topic that you like. Something that you are interested in. Research and collect the the information you need.  You can make your presentation on something you already know. Something from your personal experience.  The big goal is to speak in English with confidence for one to three minutes. 

Write your notes:
 Use study cards to write the main ideas for  your presentation. Give the cards numbers to help you organise your presentation. Five to ten cards will do. 

Practice makes perfect: 
Use simple short sentences. The more you practice the better. Practice in the car. Practice in your bed before you go to sleep. practice several times everyday.  

What not to do:
Do not play a video during your presentation. Do not read your presentation from slides or a piece of paper. Do not use difficult words. 

Learn from others:
 As you are preparing for the presentation; here are some of  the links to our Tvtc  students presentations. 

All presentations are from the previous semesters. 

8- Abdulaziz Alzahrani - introducing himeself
9- Mohammad Abu- bakr Aidaros - Solar energy 
10- Abdul majeed Halawani - Computer networking 
11- Mohannad Alshiri - Learning English
12- Hussian Badaood  - Linux Vs Vesta
13- Sultan Mohammad Bakr - protecting homes from thieves 
14- Ahmad Altalhi - Car tips
15- Abdulrahamn Makki - My training period 
16- Saifudden Alsohaimi - types of networks
17- Ramzi Bafana - Why I choose to study Electrical power
18- Alaa Jameel  Bahhah - Parts of an A.C unit
19- Aied Alnafai - Water power
20- Faris Zamzami - The first muslims
21- Waleed Alfageh - Healthy Eating
22- Ammar Qabani - Smart phones
23- Osama Alkhamesi - My English Learning Journey
24- Motad Fasial Bakhish - Happiness 
25- Yasser Alharbi - Arsenal football team
26- Bader Hawsawi - Singapore
27- Abdullah ALjadaani - Japan

Good luck 
Have fun.

المتدرب ماجد ناصر الطميحي - الموضوع: مخاطر التدخين - مادة: technical English 1 term 2 - 2024



Homework 2 Presentation - الواجب الثاني

presentation time: 2 minutes

1- Opening and closing of the presentation 

- المقدمة والخاتمة للبرزنتيشن

2- Tips for preparing your presentation - examples of students presentation 

- نصائح للبرزنتيشن ونماذج لاعمال المتدربين

3- How to choose a topic for your presentation

 - كيفية اختيار موضوع للبرزنتيشن 

4- How much time you need to practice for your presentation?

 - كم من الوقت تحتاج للتدرب على البرزنتيشن؟

5-  The three parts of a presentation

 - الاجزاء الثلاثة للبرزنتيشن

6- أHow to write the content for your presentation?

 - كيف تكتب محتوى البرزنتيشن؟

7- Presentation simple outline

8- - Google translate-


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The opening and closing - المقدمة والخاتمة

 The opening 


     Hi everyone. My name is ........................ . I am 19years old. I am a student at Jeddah technical college for Electronics and Information. I am studying networking. 

This presentation is for technical English 1 , semester 1 , 2024.

My teacher is Samir Fatani.

 Today I am going to talk about ..................... .

 I chose this topic, because ................................... .


Closing - الخاتمه

I   thank my teacher Samir Fatani . I thank my class. . I thank my college . Thank you all for listening.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Mnemonics - فن لالاستذكار



فن الاستذكار

1- Acronyms - الاختصارات

2- Acrostics- المفردات

3- Peg system نظام الرموز

4- Image mnemonics الصور

5- chunking التقسيم

6- mind-maps الخرائط الذهنية

7- Memory palace قصر الذاكرة

8- Music & Rhyming - الاغنية واللحن

9- talking-notes - تدوين الملاحظات

10- Keyword Method - الكلمة المفتاح

Propositions - اداوت الجر

  Prepositions of locations:

اداوات الجر

 1- on

2- under/ below

3- over/ above

4- in

5- behind

6- in front of

7- between

8- into

9- out of

10- up

11- through 

12- across

13- beside/ next to

14- around